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Via Caronport

Via Caronport is an Anglican Church in North America planted in the Fall of 2020. The name of our missionary district, Via Apostolica, is a Latin phrase for the way of the Apostles. However, the shortened name of Via Caronport is the name more commonly attributed to our Church.

We are situated in the small village of Caronport, SK; the home of Briercrest College and Seminary. The ebb and flow of the College's school year brings students, professors, and families alike, in and through Caronport for different periods of time. Thus, the way of Caronport is to welcome in only to send off, as people go on their way. The Church of Via Caronport is a home for those on a journey through Caronport, as well as for those who have planted their roots. At Via Caronport, we seek to embody the way of the Apostles as recorded in Acts 2, for the purpose of making disciples "as we go", like Jesus commands in Matthew 28:19. As people go on there way, passing through Caronport, Via seeks to disciple and send out Christians who truly know God, His community, and His mission. ​

Via Caronport has grown deeply in community and fellowship over the past two years.​ We are a small, but intimate church body, characterized by a faithful dedication to each other and our God. What makes us unique is our opportunity for children, young adults, and adults, to worship and connect with each other every Sunday without segregation due to age disparities. Furthermore, Via is a unique space for leadership development. Our liturgical service allows for new opportunities every Sunday for people to serve and lead. Whether through reading Scripture, leading prayers, guiding the liturgy, ministering through music, or exhorting words of Scripture to children and adults alike, there is a place at Via for servanthood to be practiced and gifts to be developed.

Via Caronport values Christian orthodoxy (correct Christian doctrine) as testified through the Christian Scriptures, and the witness of the Historical Christian Church - especially the early Christian Creeds and ecumenical councils. Our services follow the structure and liturgy of the Anglican Book of Common Prayer 2019, and thus are centered around the exaltation of God and His Glory, and not the consumeristic culture that is taking over the Church today. Via desires to orient hearts toward the Worship and Delight of the Triune God, that in doing so people will be transformed into the image of Jesus Christ. At Via Caronport, you can expect to be welcomed into our Church and our homes throughout the week, and to experience what it means to actively and holistically participate in corporate worship of a Holy and Mighty God every Sunday.

While Via is an Anglican Church, many of our congregants found Anglicanism for the first time at Via. The Anglican tradition is a beautiful historical yet relevant stream of the Christian faith, that engages us in the broader picture of what it means to be connected to the Church throughout both space and time. If you are new to Anglicanism, come to Via Caronport to experience (as others have!) how an Ancient church is more than relevant to the world today.

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About: About Us

"Anglicanism is a worldwide body of Christians responding to God’s revelation through Jesus Christ. Anglicanism brings together the authority of the Bible, the historic faith, and the beauty of structured prayer.  It is rooted in tradition, yet contemporary in practice. It is united in substance, yet diverse in expression. We are a global family living out our faith in local communities."

About: Quote
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